Monday, April 16, 2007

How I Got Saved

These little crocus are trying but the weather is not. I took these sunday afternoon .It was very dark and dreary and wet too. They are just waiting for the sun and warmth.

Last night as I was laying in bed praying I thought about when I first became a christian. It was in 1961 around the time Tim was born.

God had been working on me for a few years. I was feeling guilty about some of the things I did like smoking and screaming and throwing boots at the chimney pipes. I remember one time Bill was looking for something and was angry because he couldn't find it .He took out the junk drawer and dumped it out on the floor so I took the broom and swept it up and dumped it in the stove that was burning. We were yelling and screaming at one another when there was a bang and then another bang. We looked at one andother and started to laugh. They were 22 shells going off in the fire.

When you first start to figure out that there is a problem with your life you think you yourself can do somthing about it like stop smoking. So I tried that and decided I would go to church . You know you try to clean yourself up so you could stand before God and not look too bad.

But of course that doesn't work because you have no will power without God and even if it did work that is not the way you become friends with God. The key is to surrender. Admit your are sinfull and understand your helplessness to do anything about it.

I watched this preacher on tv. and asked Bill to take me to that church in Sudbury. so he did. and when the invitation was given I put up my hand. No one said anything to me and I went home.

Three months later a couple of fellows from the Barean Baptist Church came to the door.

God had been working in my heart for those months . I listened to the radio preachers and talked to God. The day before they came I had prayed." Lord please take this smoking away from me when I get saved "

So they came in and gave me their own stories and I was ready to pray and ask God to forgive me and come into my life. When I did pray I said all the wrong things but God knew my heart and He answered my prayer right then. It was very emotional and I cried a lot so when those guys left I thought "Oh boy do I need a smoke " Then I remembered what I had prayed for the day before. I threw those smokes away. I knew I was different right away and I never lost that knowledge that I belong to God .

I only went to that church for a short while but I recieved their monthly paper and other booklets

and even though that preacher is dead now I still read his papers that I saved from years ago. I lost a whole suitcase full of them in a flood but I still have 30 or 40 of them that I read a bed time. I have some from the 70s.

I guess that is why I thought of this .One of the titles is WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO HELL. or another is THE ETERNAL DESTINY OF THE UNSAVED. so that is my bed time reading

Well its 11: pm so I better get to bed . Good night folks Ruth


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