Monday, May 12, 2008


Praiseing God for this wonderful creation. Watching as the snow covered world melt into daffadills and tulips.
Digging and raking and mowing . Transplanting and seeding . Black flies and bug spray.
aching muscles and sleeping soundly. garden gloves and hats. spades and rakes.
muddy shoes and dirty feet. watching in awe as plants spring up and bloom. My buddy the robin following me around.
Pruning (Oh where are my good pruning sheers?) Cleaning out the pond ,
ssslipping in the slime. This is wonderful. This is Spring. This is gardening. Ruth

Saturday, May 03, 2008

A Little bit of Spring Time

God is keeping His promise once again this year. After Noah got out of the ark God made a promise that the whole world would not be flooded again. The reminder of that promise is the rainbow God put in the sky. The other promise is that there will always be a time to plant and a time to harvest. That is the promise I think of every spring when things begin to grow after a long winter when everything looks dead. It is amazing that only three weeks ago there was nothing visible growing now the daffadills are finished and the tulips are blooming. The grass needs cutting .
I bought myself an electric lawnmower so that when we run out of gas and and it cost &1.50
I can run out and cut . I would have had a push mower but Bill would not let me get one because I have had two strokes . I wonder if hard work causes a person to have a stroke. I don't think so.
My heart is strong so what is the problem with working? I think it would do you good.
These pictures are some of the daffs I have blooming . I have about 2 hundred
Well we are off to the dump to recycle our cardboard. We have a stack of the guitar boxes and one that the lawn mower came in.
Happy spring time to you all. Gramma.